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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ghost Walks!

Ghost Walks in Gatlinburg!

Join us as we take a leisurely stroll and search along the shadowy streets and alleys of Gatlinburg, to hear stories of the unexplained and strange. 

Hear about a number of haunted hotels and buildings in the downtown area, about a gruesome murder committed at a very famous hotel here and the young woman and security guard who still haunt it.

Hear how Radford Gatlin stole the name of the town and had it named for himself.  Listen to the tale of a beautiful young woman who committed suicide and how she tries to help other have the same fate.

See a cemetery that was built in 1830, a most frightful place indeed!  See pictures taken of paranormal activity of our tour route. And so much more!

Click here for more information.

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