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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Clingmans Dome Observation Tower Closure

The Clingmans Dome Observation Tower will be closed starting Wednesday, August 23.

*Note* The actual tower is closed, but you can still hike up to it (it's a 1/2 mile from the parking lot, it's paved, but pretty steep), and if you are looking for sunset views, the parking lot is perfect! 

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park officials announced the tower will be closed through the remainder of the 2017 season.  Crews will complete rehabilitation work thanks to funding received from a Partners in Preservation grant. 

The $250,000 grant was awarded to the Friends of the Smokies last summer.  The grant was given on behalf of the park after being on the the top nine, most voted for parks in the Partners in Preservation: National Parks Campaign in 2016.

The tower, which straddles the North Carolina and Tennessee state line, is a landmark and destination as the highest point in the park.  

Crews will repair the worst deteriorated areas on the concrete columns and walls, stabilize support walls at the base of the ramp, and repoint some stone masonry. 

Visitors will not be able to climb the tower for views out over the surrounding tree tops.  However, the Clingmans Dome parking overlook will be open.

According to the park, the visitor contact station and store, the trail to the tower, and all access to the trailheads in the vicinity will remain open.  Visitors should expect some construction traffic in the vicinity of the contact station and along the trail. 

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