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Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Albright Grove Loop

The Albirght Grove Loop trailhead is just 11 miles from the Garage Mahal and 6.7 miles roundtrip.

The trail is named after Horace Albright, who was the second director of the National Park Service and worked diligently to help establish the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  The Grove is home to some of the oldest and tallest trees in the park as the area was not logged by Champion Fibre, who sold the land to the park service. Due to its location in a more remote area of the park, the trail is not heavily traveled, allowing you to enjoy a quiet journey in the woods.

After departing the Maddron Bald Trail, the trail narrows and begins to climb for roughly .3 miles as it follows Dunn Creek.  Eastern hemlocks and tulip poplars are plentiful throughout the grove.  If you have explored other areas of the park that were logged before its formation, you'll notice that the trees here are much larger.  This is an example of what a mature, cove hardwood forest looks like.  Imagine a time when all the forests in the Smokies looked like this.  The trail levels off along a ridge before it turns right and descends back to meet up with the Maddron Bald Trail.  During the descent, there is a small spur trail that leads to a giant tulip tree, roughly 25 feet in diameter.

The trail joins back up with the Maddron Bald Trail .3 miles away from the first trail junction. From here, you can go to the right as the Maddron Bald Trail makes its way towards the Snake Den Ridge Trail or you can go left and head back to the parking lot. 

Click here for directions and more information.

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